I am a new creation in Him!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.” 2 Cor. 5:17
Under the SON Outreach believes that having accepted Christ in your life, you are a new creation and we want to come alongside of you to help you succeed. We are a non-denominational Christian aftercare created to assist former offenders in housing, job search, initial transportation, mentoring and life skills. Men are required to maintain full time employment, attend Church and various classes throughout the week.
- One-year faith-based commitment.
- Men ages 24 – 60.
- Attend and pay for classes as mandated by Parole, Probation.
- Attend Church and various classes each week.
- Maintain full time gainful employment.
- Initial Deposit $100.00 plus $600.00 monthly Fee > $750.00 Funding required before entering the program.
- Monthly Program Fee – $600.00 plus a share of Prorated Utilities due on the 1st of every month. (Food and transportation are included)
- Funding assistance available on a case by case basis.
- Application and Character References must be submitted.
- Men working together as a family helping one another.
- We consider Honesty, Integrity, Accountability mandatory for success. If you are not intent on honoring God, yourself and others wholeheartedly, please apply elsewhere, this isn’t for you.
To get started, click this link to Download a PDF of the Step One Application and Character Reference Form. Once you have done that, send it to the Applicant, have them fill out as completely as possible and then mail to:
Under the SON Outreach
P.O. Box 8328
Fort Worth, Texas 76124
We will take the the time to prayerfully consider and then reach out to the Applicant.